The concept of a mastermind group has been around for over 80 years, it was pioneered by the acclaimed self- help author, Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich. Although, he termed it Mastermind Alliance, it has evolved since then. He explained that when two or more people come together to brainstorm ideas and strive to achieve goals together, unknowingly a third mind is formed, the mastermind.
There are some wonderful things that can come out of being a part of a mastermind group, especially an all women one.
Benefits of joining a Mastermind group
1. Different Perspective
Firstly, you get a completely different and often times objective perspective of your challenge or business at large. Its so important for us to be able to see what others see so we can finally get off that hamster wheel we have been on or remove that roadblock and spark an idea that could lead to some wonderful innovation or that could spawn more worthy ideas.
2. Mutual Support
This is a safe space but also a place where you will receive the truth you have been wanting to hear. You will receive non-judgmental feedback on your business, ideas, plans et al from the other participants in the group along with their support. You will give and receive both feedback and support.
3. Resources and Network
You will have access to the knowledge of your peers in the group, be it in the form of experience, resources, tools and their network of contacts. True gold!
4. Accountability
Your fellow participants will hold you accountable for the plans you haven’t executed yet, the tasks that haven’t been completed etc and in this way you stand to learn and achieve so much more than you would alone. Having common goals also brings people together providing a sense of community.
5. Collaboration boosts innovation
Like Napoleon Hill explains in his book, collaborating and bringing more brain power to one issue or one plan can only land a successful outcome. Imagine having the great business opportunity as an entrepreneur to learn new skills, discover what you are capable of and use all that you gain to scale your business to new heights.
6. Networking/Community
This group will also serve as a networking platform and for us that is just code word for community. Yes! You get to meet other women entrepreneurs just like you and work along side them, gain and give and form lasting relationships both in business and life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What will a session be like?
Each participant will share the following in every session:
· What are you working on?
· What did you learn?
· What do you need help with?
The above is the broad agenda, but being women as you can imagine we will talk about a lot of things and you will have the freedom to share anything from any aspect of your life with your group. This tends to happen once that bond is created among group members.
We will also have guest speakers once a month, who are entrepreneurs and experts in areas such as money management, health and fitness, branding and so on.
Q. What is the size of each group?
Only 4-6 women entrepreneurs per group.
Q. How long will each session be?
Considering each participant should get the chance to talk, our sessions will be 90-120 mins long.
Q. How often will a group meet?
Every group will meet weekly once.
Q. How many months does a mastermind run for?
Our mastermind groups last 12 weeks.
Q. Will there be a facilitator for the group?
Yes, our founder Sneha Mohan will lead your group.
Q. Is there a membership fee to join a group?
Its included in your membership.